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Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Jul 15, 2020

We are living in ‘Rona times. We’ve been encouraged to stay home and isolate. Now is the best time to talk about how to make friends, AS AN ADULT!  Yup, I got to sit down with Gemma Scopes and she shared with us how to find new friends as an adult.  She was in her late 20s when all her friends were married, pair off...

Feb 5, 2020

Stop what you are doing Magic Makers and listen up! Are you ready to STOP chasing MrMr. Wrong! And you know how you are going to do that?! It’s time to You need to stop swiping through all those macho, Gumball men”, you know the ones  who have to overcompensate for something and only care about themselves or are...