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Fit Girl Magic | Healthy Living For Women Over 40

Jun 30, 2021

What pops into your head when it's 3 o’clock and you have to start to figure out what is for dinner? Or your partner comes home and asks that dreaded question you don’t want to hear…. “What’s for dinner???” And your head just wants to explode?!!

Well, this is why you need to have some automatic meals in...

Jun 23, 2021

What happens when life throws you a curveball? Or… a REALLY sharp turn when you least expect it. You freak out for a HOT moment…. Compose yourself and figure out what your next step is. 

Can you get to that next step on your own, or do you need to enlist the help of others around you, a coach, friends or a team to...

Jun 16, 2021

It’s time to stop beating yourself up for where you think you should be with your health! You haven’t failed. You just haven’t done all the things you need to do to be successful.

You haven’t found that one thing that works for you and your lifestyle! 

So, stop being afraid to take that step towards a happier...

Jun 9, 2021

Start losing weight with 2 simple steps?? YES PLEASE! My guest, Claudia Wilson, MS, RDN, CSSD is so amazing!  She has written a book called One-Two Punch and it is making the heads of people spin at how simple it can be to lose weight and be healthy! Like… 2 STEPS PEOPLE! 

The book came together from meeting with...

Jun 2, 2021

Everything counts and everything adds up in movement, so just get up and get moving to feel good, to prevent injuries, and to give yourself the gift of being able to enjoy life as you age!

Today's guest Lauren Shroyer, specializes in how do you prevent injuries, work around injuries and how do you actually stop...